السبت، 1 ديسمبر 2012

:: Benefits Melon

The Top 3 Benefits of Melons

A melon is a fleshy fruit belonging to the gourd family. Melons are generally sweet when ripe. Melons have been used as a food source over thousands of years. The fruit is believed to have originated in Iran or Persia.

Melons are divided into two main categories: muskmelon and watermelon. Muskmelons have either netted skin or smooth skin. Some examples of muskmelons are cantaloupes, Christmas melons, honeydew melons and casaba melons. Muskmelons have seeds and a hollow center containing a fibrous substance. The color of the flesh ranges from yellow to pale green to orange, depending on the variety. Some muskmelons are harvested all year round, while others are harvested in late summer and early fall.

Watermelons are generally less flavorsome compared to muskmelons. They have a watery consistency, are heavier and native to Africa. They are also bigger, although some varieties may be smaller and more like cantaloupes.

Apart from being eaten raw, melons are used in ice cream, sorbets, juices, smoothies, and added to fruit platters and fruit salads. Some varieties like honeydew melon can be used in soups.

Many studies suggest that melons offer a number of health benefits. Here are a few.

Benefits of Melons

  • Melons are rich in Vitamin B6, a nutrient that is needed to manufacture important brain chemicals or neurotransmitters including melatonin, serotonin and dopamine. These neurotransmitters help relieve stress as well as treat mental illnesses like panic, anxiety attacks and depression.

  • Melons are high in Vitamin C, which boosts the body's defense against infections and illnesses. Vitamin C also rids the body of harmful free radicals that could cause premature aging and various diseases.

  • Melons do not have saturated fat or cholesterol and can be added to a diet focused on improving cardiovascular health. The fruit can effectively lower bad cholesterol and high blood pressure.

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