السبت، 1 ديسمبر 2012

:: Sugar Cane Benefits

Sugar Cane: Health and Medicinal Benefits

Sugar cane is a type of grass that is native to the warm temperate and tropical regions of Asia. They have stout, jointed and fibrous stalks that grow up to two to six meters tall. Sugar cane is currently cultivated in more than 110 countries around the world, with a total production of about 1.59 million metric tons each year.

Sugar cane is used to make a range of products including table sugar, molasses, panela, syrup, rock candy, jaggery, rum and ethanol. Raw sugar cane can be chewed to extract juice. Sugar cane juice is a refreshing drink make be combining the fresh juice of sugar cane with some lemon and ice.

Recent studies indicate that sugar cane contains several nutrients that offer health and medicinal benefits. Here are a few.

Sugar Cane Benefits

  • Sugar cane has a low glycemic index, which helps keep the body fit and healthy.

  • Studies show that drinking sugar cane juice helps treat and prevent colds, flu and sore throat.

  • Sugar cane does not contain simple sugars, so diabetics can safely add it to their diet. However, consumption must be controlled for type-II diabetics.

  • Sugar cane is an excellent source of energy. It contains glucose, which is stored as glycogen and is burned by the muscles for energy.

  • Sugar cane helps clear the urinary tract and improves kidney function. By drinking sugarcane juice or consuming fresh sugar cane, you can prevent urinary tract infections and kidney stone formation.

  • Sugar cane juice can also be mixed with ginger juice, lime juice and coconut water to help in the treatment of several illnesses including gonorrhea, cystitis, nephritis and enlarged prostate.

  • Several studies show that sugar cane helps fight certain types of cancer.

  • Sugar cane juice is a healthy alternative to carbonated drinks and sodas.
These are just some of the wonderful benefits of sugar cane. Try replacing the sweetened drinks in your diet with healthy sugar cane juice. It will satisfy your sweet tooth and benefit your body.

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