الجمعة، 30 نوفمبر 2012

:: Benefits of Honey

Benefits of Honey

Honey is considered the only food to contain all the substances necessary for sustaining life. Honey was the most used medicine in ancient Egypt. During World War I, honey mixed with cod liver oil was used to treat the wounds of soldiers. Honey also finds mention in the Muslim holy book, the Koran. The great Napoleon used the bee as a symbol of his empire.

Scientific research proves that honey is a wonderful food. Let me give you one example. Researchers at the University of California, Davis, reported in March 2004 that daily consumption of raw honey might raise polyphenolic antioxidant levels in blood and reduce the risk of damage by free radicals. This simply means that honey improves the immune system.

However, pregnant women should not take unpasteurized honey. Also, make sure that you buy only cold-pressed honey. Heated honey contains additives, so it may not retain its healing properties.

Benefits of Honey

  • Honey has sedative properties.

  • It is anti-fungal and nourishing.

  • It soothes tissues and helps retain calcium in the body.

  • Honey is an antibacterial, great for both internal and external problems.

  • It is considered to be the Swiss army knife in the world of alternative medicine.

  • Honey can boost the immune system.

Uses of Honey

  • The mixture of equal quantities of honey and ginger juice is a good expectorant. It helps treat colds, cough, sore throat and a runny nose.

  • To treat asthma, mix half a gram of black pepper powder with a mixture of honey and ginger juice. Drink this a few times a day.

  • Honey can soothe and encourage the healing of sores in the mouth or vagina.

  • A bowl of oats or porridge with a spoonful of honey can calm the nerves. It is ideal for fighting pre-exam stress.

  • Honey is a great moisturizer and can be used on the skin as a natural revitalizing mask.

  • Eating a little local honey will make you "immune" to pollen in the area.

  • To improve eyesight, mix honey with carrot juice. Take one hour before meals in the morning.

  • To purify the blood, mix one glass of warm water with one to two teaspoons of honey and one teaspoon of lemon juice. Take this preparation daily before going to the toilet. It will also reduce fat and cleanse your bowels.

  • Natural honey causes a lower rise in blood sugar than refined sugars in people with type-II diabetes. A little unprocessed honey can be added in the drinks of type-II diabetics when they crave sweetness.
I can fill a library with benefits of this superb food. These are just a few examples for you. Start taking honey today!

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