الجمعة، 30 نوفمبر 2012

:: Is Cottage Cheese Good for You

Benefits of Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese is a type of cheese that is made from cheese curd. Many adults love cottage cheese but kids often raise a fuss. Many children refuse to touch cottage cheese because it looks and smells funny.

New marketing is needed to promote cottage cheese among children and adolescents. Breakstone added fruit on the side to eat with the cottage cheese, but the young ones are still not impressed.

The main health benefit is that cottage cheese is low in fat and carbs, and high on protein. You will find plenty of cottage cheese on the dieters' menu in restaurants -- cottage cheese with fruit, cottage cheese on a bed of lettuce, cottage cheese in salad. It has been promoted as a great diet food. Cottage cheese may even be able to cure cancer. But the immediate gain is that eating a daily serving of cottage cheese will make you healthier everyday.

It is a good source of calcium and Vitamin D. Cottage cheese can prevent stomach disorders and even strengthen bones as you age, especially in women. It is also easily available. You can find cottage cheese on any menu in any restaurant as well as in your local supermarket or mini-mart.

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