الجمعة، 30 نوفمبر 2012

How to Help Reduce High Liver Enzymes Organically

The liver tirelessly carries out more than 500 functions in your body, including filtering the blood, cleansing the body of toxins, producing cholesterol and balancing blood cholesterol levels, synthesizing vitamin D and removing damaged red blood cells. When the liver becomes overworked or damaged, it can leak liver enzymes into the bloodstream. These elevated liver enzymes may be detected in a blood test. In most cases, these levels are mild and do not indicate serious liver damage or disease. Drinking fresh, organic juice in addition to maintaining a balanced diet that limits processed and packaged foods may help to improve your liver function and overall health. However, this is not medically confirmed and a juice detox shuold not be done without the approval of your doctor.
How to Help Reduce High Liver Enzymes Organically

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