الجمعة، 30 نوفمبر 2012

:: The Benefits of Coconut Oil

The Benefits of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has so many benefits. The oil is used in hair and skin care, to reduce bad cholesterol, to provide stress relief and to aid weight loss.

Hair Care

Coconut oil is a common hair care ingredient, especially for women. It boosts hair growth, making hair glossy and lustrous. Regular application of coconut oil on the hair keeps dandruff away and even eliminates lice and nits. Coconut oil contains proteins that keep the hair nourished. It is recommended for people with hair that is damaged due to dryness and chemical use.

Skin Care

Coconut oil helps keep the skin soft and supple. People with dry skin can benefit from its use especially in cold and dry weather. It works as a moisturizer. Unlike mineral oil, coconut oil does not cause inflammation or allergic reactions. Moreover, it is used to treat skin infections like dermatitis and eczema. Coconut oil products for skin care are available in the form of creams, soap, lotions and liquids.


Coconut oil contains 50 percent lauric acid, which is essential in preventing heart problems brought about by high cholesterol levels. While some hesitate to use coconut oil because of its saturated fat content, this does not contribute to any heart problems brought about by fats and cholesterol.

Stress Relief

Soothing components in coconut oil make it a wonderful stress-buster. Massaging the oil onto the scalp and body reduces stress.

Weight Loss

If you want to shed some pounds, coconut oil may be the answer. The oil contains short and medium fatty acids that are responsible for eliminating extra weight and increasing body metabolism.

Coconut oil has several other benefits such as strengthening the immune system as well as preventing kidney and liver diseases. Given all the benefits of coconut oil, there is absolutely no reason why you should not buy a bottle today.

:: Benefits of Turmeric

Amazing Benefits of Turmeric

A member of the ginger family, turmeric holds a sacred place in Ayurvedic medicine. Ayurvedic practitioners believe that it cleanses the whole body.

Besides its culinary uses, turmeric is used as a digestive aid, and also in treating infection, arthritis, jaundice and fever. A symbol of prosperity, turmeric's healing property lies in its stalk. The stalk is used to color, preserve and flavor foods in everyday cooking. Asian cuisine generally features fresh turmeric. The dried, powdered form is used in other parts of the world.

Benefits of Turmeric

  • Turmeric reduces fats, aids blood circulation and purifies the blood.

  • Turmeric helps digestion and is believed to help the body against intestinal parasites.

  • It is now being investigated for potential use as an anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory aid.

  • It is antiseptic, warming and an astringent.


Bowel Cancer Patients

Where turmeric is frequently used, the chances of colon cancer are greatly reduced. UK cancer specialists are currently testing oral turmeric capsules for colon cancer patients.

Arthritis Pain

Turmeric can also be used to reduce arthritic pain. This is how you can do it at home. Warm a cup of milk. Remove from heat before it boils, and add a teaspoon of turmeric powder. Stir well and drink up to thrice daily.

Digestive Problems

Studies on animals suggest that turmeric acts as a digestive stimulant and encourages the release of digestive enzymes that break down carbohydrates and fats. If you always seem to have a stomach upset, turmeric tea may be a good idea.

Prostate Cancer

When combined with certain vegetables, this substance has the potential of treating and preventing prostate cancer. Scientists in New Jersey have shown that turmeric works alongside a substance found in vegetables like broccoli, kale, turnips and cabbage to ensure protection against the dreaded disease.

Heart Problems

A 1992 study showed that turmeric may be able to reduce cholesterol levels and fight atherosclerosis. Preliminary studies in mice have also shown its potential in blocking the development of multiple sclerosis.


A small clinical trial conducted in 1992 showed that 1.5 g of turmeric taken daily for a month could decrease the amount of mutagens (substance that helps cancerous mutation in cells) in the body. The study found that even the urines of smokers were lower in mutagens when given daily rations of turmeric, compared to non-smoker subjects.

:: Benefits Grape Juice

The Extreme Health Benefits of Drinking Grape Juice

Grape juice is one of the healthiest beverages on offer today. Its various natural properties promote healthy blood and organs.

The most important natural ingredient in grape juice is resveratrol, a substance present in the skin of some fruits and plants. Resveratrol fights all kinds of fungi and diseases. High concentrations are found in the skin of red grapes. Despite recent hype over the benefits of resveratrol, experts have known this for years. Hence, the claim that red wine improves blood circulation and strengthens the heart.

Unhealthy diets inevitably lead to a buildup of free radicals that wear down the body at a faster-than-normal pace. Health experts suggest that consuming foods that contain antioxidants is the only way to safely clear the body of free radicals and toxins while subsequently reversing or slowing the aging process. Besides, antioxidants such as resveratrol also help prevent serious problems like cancer and heart disease.

Research is underway to determine whether or not resveratrol is a potential cure for cancer. Experiments began over 10 years ago -- mice were injected with melanoma and then subsequently fed resveratrol supplements. The results provided a strong correlation between the reduction of cancer cells and the presence of resveratrol. Human trials have not been conducted to further prove this correlation. However, there are cases where people with skin and colon cancer claim to have been cured by using resveratrol supplements.

If the above reasons have still not convinced you that grape juice contains one of the most beneficial ingredients in the world, then perhaps resveratrol's ability to reduce plaque buildup on the brain will work. Plaque accumulation on the brain is the leading cause of Alzheimer's. Considering that there is currently no cure or treatment for Alzheimer's, this new discovery could mean renewed hope for sufferers of the terrible neurological disease.

Regardless of whether or not you are in perfect health, anyone can benefit from regularly drinking grape juice. It cleanses the body of toxins, improves circulation and prevents clotting.

:: Benefits of Eating Carrots

Benefits of Carrots

A single carrot can supply your Vitamin A needs for the entire day. It is also a great snack and far healthier than potato chips.

Research shows that carrots offer protection against ultraviolet light. Thus, the vegetable can help you look younger for longer. Chinese medical practitioners recommend eating carrots to supply more energy to the liver.

Benefits of Carrots

  • Carrot is energizing and an antiseptic.

  • Eating carrots leads to healthy skin, hair, bones and eyesight. It also cleanses the body

  • Carrots aid cardiac patients. Carrots are believed to reduce the risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer.

Uses of Carrots

  • Fresh carrot juice provides relief from stress and fatigue. It cleanses and energizes the body.

  • Carrot soup is a home remedy for diarrhea because it calms the bowel and slows down bacterial development.

  • Raw or grated carrots can be used on wounds, cuts and inflammation.


  • Buy refrigerated carrots. Carrots lose their sweetness and crispness if left unwrapped at room temperature.

  • The deeper the orange color, the more carotenoids (source of Vitamin A) it contains.

  • Carrots have tough walls that the body may have trouble digesting. Try cooking them until they are crisp-tender; then the nutrients will be more accessible to the body.


Eating excessive amounts of carrots may cause the skin to yellow temporarily. This is considered harmless; just reduce your intake. Carrot seeds are also a nerve tonic and may induce abortion. Reduce your intake or avoid it completely during pregnancy.

:: Benefits of Sea Salts

Benefits of Sea Salts

Sea salt is not regular table salt. Unlike table salt, sea salt does not cause high blood pressure. It contains mineral brine, which is good for you.

Sea salts are channeled into clay ponds. Once the wind blows the sand away, only the mineral brine remains. A salt farmer then uses a wooden tool to hasten the drying process so that the salt can crystallize. The entire process is natural.

The processof making table salt is quite different. Table salt is washed, boiled, and then mixed with iodine and a type of bleach. The iodine in table salt causes high blood pressure.

Table salt and sea salt have different nutritional values. Sea salt is lower in sodium and chloride. This makes sea salt better for overall health.

More and more people are switching from table salt to chemical-free sea salt because it is natural and does not cause hypertension or any heart or blood conditions. Sea salts do not make you feel bloated because, unlike table salts, they do not retain water. Thus, sea salt is great for weight watchers. It also provides necessary nutrients and minerals to help your body preserve blood cells.

Sea salts are healthier than table salts. Switch salts for a week to see the difference.

:: Benefits of Red Wine

Benefits of Red Wine

The benefits of red wine are well-known. It is said that red wine is great for the heart. The alcohol in wine prevents heart attacks or strokes. The flavonoids or antioxidants in alcohol help in this respect.

Studies show that people who drink a couple of glasses of wine a week, live longer than those who do not. Red wine is also a great stress reliever.

Red wine lowers total overall cholesterol levels and raises levels of HDL or good cholesterol. Older people who regularly drink red wine are less likely to suffer from mental illness or some type of disability. Red wine helps maintain estrogen levels in women. It also helps women absorb calcium and stave off osteoporosis.

Keep in mind that red wine can work its magic only if taken in moderation. Drinking more will not bring quicker benefits. Drink one glass of wine each night to reap the benefits.

:: Benefits Elderberry

The Benefits of the Elderberry

The elderberry or sambucus is a fruit-bearing shrub that commonly grows in the Northern Hemisphere. The fruits are called elderberries. They are deep blue or black in color.

The flowers of the elderberry are used to make elderflower cordial, an aromatic syrup used to prepare a refreshing and non-alcoholic beverage. Elderberry fruits have many uses. They are used to make wines, marmalades, syrups, pies, pastries and other desserts.

Although the flowers and fruits of the elderberry are perfectly safe for consumption, avoid ingesting the twigs, branches, leaves, roots and seeds of the plant. Ingesting these parts in excess could cause a dangerous cyanide buildup in the body. Some safe and edible herbal teas are made from elderberry leaves. However, these should be consumed with caution.

Elderberries have been used for their medicinal properties over many centuries. Studies are still underway to establish the health benefits of the plants' fruits and flowers. Here are some of the known benefits of elderberries.

Benefits of Elderberries

  • Elderberry juice can treat and prevent many illnesses, especially viral infections. It was used as treatment for affected individuals during the flu epidemic in Panama back in 1995. Elderberries are recommended to ward off illnesses in cancer and HIV patients because they help strengthen the immune system.

  • Like other berries, elderberries also contain antioxidants. Hence, they help protect our cells from damage. They flush out toxins and free radicals that cause early aging and various diseases.

  • Elderberry extract can lower levels of LDL cholesterol or bad cholesterol in the body. Hence, they help prevent various cardiovascular diseases.

  • They also serve as an excellent diuretic and can be used to clean out the body's excretory system, preventing urinary tract infections and eliminating kidney stones.

  • Finally, elderberries also have anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve pain caused by various medical conditions.

:: Macadamia Nuts Benefits

The Many Benefits of Macadamia Nuts

Any nut is extremely healthy when eaten in its natural state. The same holds true for macadamia nuts. Like other tropical nuts, the macadamia nut is tasty and has many benefits.

Nuts are nutritional. They are an excellent source of fiber and protein, and are regarded as the perfect after-workout snack. Nuts are surprisingly low in carbs, despite their rather rich taste that leads many to mistake them to be sugary. They also contain virtually no cholesterol. Hence, they are particularly good for the heart. They also contain mono-unsaturated fat, which is a good fat.

The macadamia nut is really a tree nut. As such, it is a tremendous source of vitamins and minerals. Macadamia nuts are a good source of potassium, calcium and essential oils. Macadamia nuts make for a quick and simple snack. All you have to do is pop open the package lid.

Macadamia nuts can be crushed and used to coat either chicken or fish. All you have to do is dip your meat or fish in a bowl of milk before dropping it on to the crushed nuts. Bake for a specified time and at the correct temperature for a yummy dinner. Macadamia nuts are superb when used in baking. Fudge and cookie recipes that use these nuts add an interesting element to the dishes.

Chopped or whole macadamia nuts work well in green salads. You could also stir-fry them with chicken, beef or pork.

Most macadamia nuts come roasted and unsalted. They are a great gift for friends and family!

:: Benefits of Cabbage

Benefits of Cabbage

Cabbage is a popular vegetable used in cooking. It is known for its medicinal properties, and is believed to contain cancer-preventing chemicals. The history of cabbage use can be traced to the ancient Greeks who used fresh white cabbage juice to relieve sore or infected eyes. The Romans and Egyptians drank cabbage juice before meals to prevent intoxication.

Benefits of Cabbage

  • Cabbage is an anti-inflammatory vegetable.

  • Cabbage contains lactic acid that helps disinfect the colon.

  • Cabbage can be used to reduce headaches.

  • Cabbage also has anti-cancer properties and is said to be effective in treating some skin conditions

  • Drinking juice of the cabbage stem is a good remedy for ulcers.

Uses of Cabbage

  • Drink fresh cabbage juice if you suffer from gastritis.

  • Drink 25 to 50 ml cabbage juice everyday to treat headaches, asthma, bronchitis and problems of digestion.

  • White cabbage juice dabbed on mouth ulcers will speed up healing.


  • Do not buy halved or quartered heads of cabbage even if it is well wrapped. As soon as the leaves are cut, cabbage loses its Vitamin C content.

  • Wash cabbage only when you are ready to use it.

  • Look for solid, heavy heads of cabbage, with no more than three or four loose outer leaves.


Do not eat red cabbage raw. Avoid cabbage if you suffer from goiter, or take MAOI antidepressants. Cooked red cabbage can cause constipation and irritation of colon.

:: Benefits Raspberries

How Raspberries Can Greatly Improve Your Health

Raspberries are a popular fruit that are mostly reddish in color. Some varieties of raspberries can be purple, black, yellow, orange and even white.

Over centuries, raspberries have been accidentally and intentionally crossbred with other berries to form hybrids like boysenberries and loganberries. Raspberries are tasty and offer a range of health benefits.

Benefits of Raspberries

  • It is common knowledge that fruits and vegetables contain vitamins and minerals that we need to maintain healthy bodies. Nutrients like Vitamin C, several B vitamins derived from copper, riboflavin, magnesium, and more are found in most fruits. Raspberries also contain generous quantities of manganese that protects the body from tissue damage caused by oxygen. Raspberries are a great source of dietary fiber.

  • Another unique characteristic of raspberries is that they contain phytonutrients like ellagic acid. These protect the body from cell, tissue and organ damage caused by free radicals and toxins. Phytonutrients work to neutralize the actions of free radicals while the antioxidant ellagitannins create anti-cancer properties that further protect the body from the life-threatening disease.

  • Raspberries contain several anthocyanins such as quercetin and kaempferol, which contribute to the antioxidant properties. Anthocyanins also give raspberries antimicrobial properties that work against bacteria, disease and fungi that like to feed off the inner linings of the body.

  • Eating several helpings of fruit each day could lead to a high sugar intake since many fruits are incredibly sweet. That is not the case with raspberries since the combination of nutrients prevents high blood sugar and related diseases like diabetes.
There are some disadvantages to eating raspberries. For starters, raspberries perish quickly if not handled properly. They also tend to lose their potency when stored.

Nevertheless, raspberries are among the most beneficial fruits that we can consume. Their delicious flavor makes it that much easier to follow a raspberry-rich diet.

:: Is Cottage Cheese Good for You

Benefits of Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese is a type of cheese that is made from cheese curd. Many adults love cottage cheese but kids often raise a fuss. Many children refuse to touch cottage cheese because it looks and smells funny.

New marketing is needed to promote cottage cheese among children and adolescents. Breakstone added fruit on the side to eat with the cottage cheese, but the young ones are still not impressed.

The main health benefit is that cottage cheese is low in fat and carbs, and high on protein. You will find plenty of cottage cheese on the dieters' menu in restaurants -- cottage cheese with fruit, cottage cheese on a bed of lettuce, cottage cheese in salad. It has been promoted as a great diet food. Cottage cheese may even be able to cure cancer. But the immediate gain is that eating a daily serving of cottage cheese will make you healthier everyday.

It is a good source of calcium and Vitamin D. Cottage cheese can prevent stomach disorders and even strengthen bones as you age, especially in women. It is also easily available. You can find cottage cheese on any menu in any restaurant as well as in your local supermarket or mini-mart.

:: Macadamia Nut Benefits

Macadamia Nut Benefits

Macadamia nuts are considered among the best nuts in the world. These nuts can be eaten as snacks for they have a great flavor. Macadamia nuts are also valued for their medicinal properties. They provide a number of nutrients required by the human body.

Rich in Nutrients

Macadamia nuts are high-energy food. They are stuffed with minerals, proteins, vitamins, antioxidants and fibers that are essential to the human body. These nuts also contain high amounts of monounsaturated fats, which help the human body derive energy.

What Studies Reveal?

Statistics show that a diet rich in macadamia nuts provides 37 percent more energy on the average than other diets do. These nuts help lower the level of blood LDL or bad cholesterol, thereby preventing heart attacks. The energy content per 100 g of these nuts is 3040 kilojoules. They also contain about 9.2 g of protein and 53 mg of calcium.


The oils present in Macadamia nuts contain monounsaturated olic fatty acids, which prevent increase in blood cholesterol. The protein content improves the immune system while promoting a stronger physical structure.

Food Metabolism and Energy

Since these nuts are high in fiber, they help in food metabolism. The fiber assists in digestion. Macadamia nuts also contain a considerable amount of sugar or sucrose, which provides energy.

Functioning of the Heart

Macadamia nuts are highly beneficial to human beings because they not only provide energy but also reduce the risks of cardiovascular disorders. Age-related heart problems can be prevented by regular intake of macadamia nuts.

:: Oil of Evening Primrose Benefits

The Benefits of the Oil of Evening Primrose

Evening primrose is a flowering plant that usually grows in the temperate regions of Europe, North America and other parts of the world.

Many gardeners consider the evening primrose to be a weed. But it actually has beautiful blossoms. The plant blooms in summer. Each flower lasts only a day. The flower blooms at sunset only to wither at the sunrise. That is why it is named evening primrose.

The seeds of the evening primrose are crushed to produce oil. This oil has several applications and a wide range of benefits.

Benefits of the Oil of Evening Primrose

  • Many herbalists say that the oil of evening primrose may be beneficial for individuals with heart disease. The oil is said to improve heart function and strengthen the walls of the heart.

  • Evening primrose oil is believed to prevent some types of cancer, including breast cancer.

  • Applying the oil of evening primrose can help improve skin condition and treat different skin ailments including chronic dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis.

  • It can also be used for symptomatic treatment of menopause and pre-menstrual syndrome.

  • The oil of evening primrose also has anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve the pain caused by conditions like arthritis, rheumatism, fibromyalgia and gout.

  • Evening primrose oil also has emollient properties and is used to soften and moisturize or hydrate the skin.

  • The oil of evening primrose has high levels of omega-6 fatty acids or polyunsaturated fats that contain gamma-linoleic acid (GLA) and linoleic acid. GLA and linoleic acid are important for overall wellbeing. Avoid excessive consumption as too much intake of the oil of evening primrose has been linked to obesity, depression and asthma.

  • The linoleic acid in evening primrose oil can also help regulate weight, burn fat and assist the body to use insulin effectively. This is why some diabetics can greatly benefit from evening primrose oil.

:: Almond Oil Skin Benefits

A List of Almond Oil Skin Benefits

Study the labels of various skin care products available in online and offline stores. You will notice that many of them have one thing in common -- almond oil.

Indeed, almond oil is a primary ingredient that keeps skin healthy and beautiful. Here are some almond oil skin benefits that you should know about.

Benefits of Almond Oil

  • Almond oil works as a moisturizer and emollient. A moisturizer keeps skin from drying, especially as you grow older. An emollient, on the other hand, nourishes and softens the skin. Almond oil works like natural baby oil and promotes skin and hair health. It helps maintain a youthful complexion.

  • Almond oil skin benefits include treatment of dry skin. The oil relieves soreness, rashes, itchiness and irritation caused by dry skin. It maintains the skin's optimum moisture balance. It can also be used in delicate areas such as the under-eye region to prevent crow's feet.

  • Massage parlors and spas use almond oil because it is a great massage oil. Not only is it non-greasy, it is also an excellent carrier oil that massage therapists combine with essential oils. It keeps the skin soft and lubricated, and is extensively used in aromatherapy. It has one of the sweetest scents as well.

  • Almond oil is recommended for people who are beginning to notice signs of aging in their skin, especially dryness and wrinkles. Being an effective moisturizer, almond oil can work wonders for the skin. It contains nutrients that keep the skin soft and reduce dullness.


People who are allergic to nuts should not use almond oil because it may cause adverse reactions. Be careful while using it, for although its color is light, it can stain your clothes. Store almond oil in a cool dark environment, and refrigerate after opening.

:: Benefits Almond

Almonds for Life

Almonds make for a great and healthy snack. The almond nut is very versatile. It can be consumed in various ways. It brings a distinctive taste and textural quality to food.

Almonds are available in a variety of sizes and types, which adds uniqueness to dishes containing the nut. Almonds can be either bitter or sweet depending on the type. For instance, the Marcona variety is known for its light touch and sweet flavor.

Almonds often end up in a powder or as part of cooking oil. Almonds lend themselves to various kinds of cooking. It is up to the cook to decide how to treat this versatile nut. Gluten-free cooking becomes easier when almonds enter the kitchen.

Pastry chefs recognize the influence of the almond. Desserts acquire piquancy when almonds are included. Merely topping an ice cream cone with ground almonds adds a whole new texture. When pressed into liquid form, almonds can be used to flavor drinks. Almond-flavored drinks are commercially very popular.

Besides its functions in cooking, almond oil is great for the skin. Vegans and lactose-intolerant people often use almonds to balance their diet. People who are allergic to peanuts can use almond butter instead of peanut butter.

The health benefits of the almond are undeniable. For example, it contains omega-6 and omega-9 nutrients, which are essential for proper functioning of the body. Almond seeds contain traces of Vitamin E. Almonds are also rich in fiber and can be used as a supplement by people with protein deficiency.

:: Celery Seed Benefits

Celery seeds are a potent and flavorful spice. They are used in a wide range of culinary applications including salad dressings and curries. Celery seeds have a strong flavor and aroma, similar to that of celery, but with an added hint of spiciness.

Besides the flavor that they add to dishes, many studies reveal that celery seeds contain medicinal properties that could treat various illnesses and health conditions.

Benefits of Celery Seeds

  • Celery seeds can act as a diuretic, helping eliminate toxins from the body, as well as preventing cell damage that could lead to cancer and other diseases.

  • Celery seeds are rich in essential fatty acids. Hence, they are believed to be beneficial in brain development and in the prevention of heart disease and stroke.

  • People with high blood pressure and high levels of bad cholesterol can benefit from consuming celery seeds because these contain potassium and magnesium.

  • Celery seeds have been used as an ingredient in pain-relief pills. Celery seeds help alleviate pain and inflammation caused by conditions such as arthritis, rheumatism and gout.

  • Like other diuretics, celery seeds stimulate kidney function and activity, helping the body flush out toxins and uric acid that could cause gout and rheumatoid arthritis. Celery seeds could also be used to treat conditions related to water retention such as edema and bloating.

  • Celery seeds also have a high calcium content, which strengthens bones and promotes healthy bone development. Adding celery seeds to dishes could also help prevent teeth and bone diseases.

  • Combining celery seed extract and carrot juice is helpful in treating several blood disorders.
In order to enjoy the benefits of celery seeds, either use celery seeds as a spice or buy nutritional supplements containing celery seeds. Before buying any supplement, check all ingredients and ensure that they are safe and effective. If possible, seek the advice of a doctor or healthcare professional first.

:: Benefits of Dark Chocolate

Benefits of Dark Chocolate

There have been many studies about how dark chocolate can improve health. It has been reported that green tea and dark chocolate share similar characteristics. The antioxidants in chocolate have been linked to the following health benefits:
  • Decrease in blood pressure

  • Vast improvement in circulation

  • Lower death rate from heart disease

  • Improved function of the endothelial cells

  • Improved overall digestion and stimulation to the kidneys
Flavonoids have been used to treat anemia, kidney stones and a poor appetite. There are two types of flavonoids -- catechin and epicarechins. These are found to help with some symptoms of cancer. Dark chocolate has thrice the amount of catechins that are found in some teas.

Dark chocolate is also said to be a good source of copper and magnesium. Both minerals are essential in maintaining blood pressure and a regular heartbeat.

However, eating too much dark chocolate is not a good thing. It contains a lot of fat and calories. Too much chocolate can also give you a jolt because dark chocolate has caffeine in it. Eat in excess and you could get an uncomfortable sugar rush. Eat in moderation and the health benefits will become evident sooner rather than later. Too much dark chocolate may cause stomach aches. The right amount can prevent a heart attack.

Benefits of Lemon Juice

Benefits of Lemon Juice

All fruits offer some health benefits. But citrus fruits like lemon are especially beneficial.

Lemon has great health benefits; so does lemon juice, whether freshly squeezed or bought at the store. Lemon juice is a good source of Vitamin C. It also protects against germs and bacteria. Lemon juice is high in citric acid, which helps the body fight off colds.

Lemon and lemon juice also act as an antioxidants. Lemon juice is also a liver stimulant. It can control irritable bowel syndrome. It also improves conditions like constipation and diarrhea while relieving heart burn, gastric pains and bloating.

Lemon juice diluted with water is very beneficial for pregnant women; it helps build bones in the unborn child. Lemon juice also contains potassium, which helps the brain and nerve cells. Believe it or not, lemons and lemon juice also contain calcium, which is great for the bones and teeth. Meanwhile, the magnesium content in lemon can help you treat other ailments such as asthma, colds, scurvy, fever and heartburn.

:: Benefits of Palm Oil

Benefits of Palm Oil

Nutrition-packed palm oil is a vegetable oil. It is cholesterol-free and offers many health benefits.

Palm oil comes from the African oil palm tree (scientific name: elaeis guineensuis). Native to Malaysia, this is perhaps the most versatile oil among all vegetable oils known to man. It contains 50 percent saturated fat and 50 percent unsaturated fat. Palm oil remains semi-solid when stored at room temperature.

The saturated fat content of this oil is not as damaging as you might think. It is a medium-chain triglyceride that can only be derived from tropical oils, milk fat and mother's milk. It is easy to digest and can be converted into energy on reaching the liver. Such fat is recommended for people who have trouble digesting other types of fat. It is also suitable for athletes who are often in need of extra energy.

Below are the benefits of palm oil. The information here should help you understand why this oil is more valuable than most other oils being sold in stores today.

Benefits of Palm Oil

  • Palm oil is free of trans-fats. Unlike hydrogenated oils, palm oil does not enhance fatty deposits in the arteries. Neither does it interfere with fat metabolism.

  • Palm oil is tasteless and colorless. It is the perfect option for people who do not like the flavor or smell of other cooking oils.

  • It is full of antioxidants, which protect your cells and keep your skin looking younger.

  • Studies show that one of the components of palm oil -- tocotrienols -- can reverse carotid artery blockage, thereby aiding in the prevention of stroke, heart attack, and arteriosclerosis, among other things. Research is on to prove whether it can prevent some types of cancer.

  • Palm oil increases HDL or good cholesterol. Compared to other saturated oils, this is more effective in maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system.
Palm oil has so many nutritional benefits, and is great for people on a diet. However, it should only be taken in moderation. Note that unprocessed palm oil is better than the processed alternative.

:: Apricots Benefits

The Numerous Benefits of Apricots

Apricots are small fruits that are close relatives of the plum. They resemble small peaches. Apricots are drupes that range in color from yellow to orange. They often have a reddish tinge on the side that is most exposed to the sun.

The taste of apricots differs according to the variety and may range from sweet to tart. Some apricot varieties include Poppy, Ambercot, Tomcot, Katy, Tilton and Castlebrite.

Although apricots are often mistaken for a subtropical fruit, they are native to regions with continental climates and cold winters. They can also grow in Mediterranean climates. Apricots are now cultivated in many parts of the world. 95 percent of all apricots grown in USA are harvested in California.

Apricots can be eaten raw and fresh. They can also be sliced and then frozen in syrup. They are often used to make juices, jams, jellies, wine and brandy. Dried apricots are sold in many markets. They are a great snack, loved by children and adults alike.

Many people now eat apricots because the fruit is low in calories, fat and sodium but enriched with many vitamins and minerals. The high vitamin content ensures that apricots offer several health benefits.

Benefits of Apricots

  • Apricots are high in iron. So people diagnosed with anemia can benefit from eating them. The iron in apricots is made more easily available to the body because the fruit contains small amounts of copper. Increased intake of apricots results in higher production of hemoglobin in red blood cells.

  • Apricots also contain pectin and cellulose, both of which work as natural laxatives. This helps regularize bowel movements and prevent constipation.

  • Apricots, particularly the dried variety, have high Vitamin A content. This helps improve vision.

  • Use apricots blended with honey and water to reduce fever.

  • Applying mashed apricots topically is beneficial for people who have skin problems like eczema, scabies and rashes.

:: Cocoa Benefit

Cocoa Benefit

Cocoa has been known for its immense medicinal capabilities for over 2,000 years. Cocoa is manufactured from cocoa beans. The bitter product is used to create one of the most delicious edibles in the world -- chocolate.

Interestingly, Europe began producing chocolate only after South American settlers brought their native cocoa across the seas.


A chief component of cocoa is the flavonoid. This compound is found in several plants used for food. Flavonoids are high in antioxidants, which counter cell damage that can lead to serious conditions like heart disorder and cancer.

Flavonoids are highly beneficial for the brain. They help maintain uniform blood circulation in the brain, thereby promoting healthy brain and nerve cells. This prevents severe disorders like dementia. The retentive capacity of the brain can also be improved by regular intake of cocoa. This occurs because cocoa increases blood flow to the brain cells by two to three times.

Blood Flow Improvement

Cocoa improves blood flow in the human body, thereby keeping the system fresh at all times. Cocoa also has a reputation for being able to raise spirits. This tendency is mainly due to the presence of a substance called phenyl ethylamine.

To enjoy the best health effects of cocoa, it is best to take it in a pre-processed or processed form. These forms eliminate chemicals that could cause potential health hazards. Avoid over-cooking in order to retain the maximum nutritional value.

Medicinal Usages

Cocoa has many medicinal usages other than those mentioned here. Cocoa intake helps prevent disorders like anemia, abnormal blood pressure, kidney and bowel movement disorders, fever and emaciation. It also helps treat fatigue.

Get a medical opinion before using cocoa for treatment, especially if the recipient is on medication.

:: Green Teas Benefits

Green Teas Benefits

Green tea has been used in Chinese medicine for more than 5,000 years. It has many benefits including use as a medicinal alternative to remedy many ailments. The West is only just discovering its many benefits.

A 1994 study found that green tea reduces the risk of cancer, particularly esophageal cancer in men and women. It also reduces cholesterol levels in the body, preventing heart problems and high blood pressure.

Green tea contains polyphenols and catechin. Both these substances help keep the body healthy, fight off infections and prevent rheumatoid arthritis. What really sets green tea apart from other teas is its epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) content. This antioxidant effectively inhibits and kills cancer cells. Green tea is thus effective in preventing cancer. By lowering blood cholesterol levels, it also reduces the chances of stroke and heart attacks as we age. This is why the Japanese, who drink a lot of green tea, have low incidence of heart disease even though 60 percent of the Japanese population smokes cigarettes.

Green tea also flushes out toxins from the body and is effective in colon cleansing. Drinking two to three cups of green tea each day keeps the colon cleansed and detoxified.

Green tea is helpful in controlling weight and is popular among dieters. It is a great alternative to coffee for it increases body metabolism and stimulates the mind, without extra calories and with only minimal caffeine content.

If you want to live a healthy life, start with a cup of green tea today.

:: Benefits of Honey

Benefits of Honey

Honey is considered the only food to contain all the substances necessary for sustaining life. Honey was the most used medicine in ancient Egypt. During World War I, honey mixed with cod liver oil was used to treat the wounds of soldiers. Honey also finds mention in the Muslim holy book, the Koran. The great Napoleon used the bee as a symbol of his empire.

Scientific research proves that honey is a wonderful food. Let me give you one example. Researchers at the University of California, Davis, reported in March 2004 that daily consumption of raw honey might raise polyphenolic antioxidant levels in blood and reduce the risk of damage by free radicals. This simply means that honey improves the immune system.

However, pregnant women should not take unpasteurized honey. Also, make sure that you buy only cold-pressed honey. Heated honey contains additives, so it may not retain its healing properties.

Benefits of Honey

  • Honey has sedative properties.

  • It is anti-fungal and nourishing.

  • It soothes tissues and helps retain calcium in the body.

  • Honey is an antibacterial, great for both internal and external problems.

  • It is considered to be the Swiss army knife in the world of alternative medicine.

  • Honey can boost the immune system.

Uses of Honey

  • The mixture of equal quantities of honey and ginger juice is a good expectorant. It helps treat colds, cough, sore throat and a runny nose.

  • To treat asthma, mix half a gram of black pepper powder with a mixture of honey and ginger juice. Drink this a few times a day.

  • Honey can soothe and encourage the healing of sores in the mouth or vagina.

  • A bowl of oats or porridge with a spoonful of honey can calm the nerves. It is ideal for fighting pre-exam stress.

  • Honey is a great moisturizer and can be used on the skin as a natural revitalizing mask.

  • Eating a little local honey will make you "immune" to pollen in the area.

  • To improve eyesight, mix honey with carrot juice. Take one hour before meals in the morning.

  • To purify the blood, mix one glass of warm water with one to two teaspoons of honey and one teaspoon of lemon juice. Take this preparation daily before going to the toilet. It will also reduce fat and cleanse your bowels.

  • Natural honey causes a lower rise in blood sugar than refined sugars in people with type-II diabetes. A little unprocessed honey can be added in the drinks of type-II diabetics when they crave sweetness.
I can fill a library with benefits of this superb food. These are just a few examples for you. Start taking honey today!

:: Benefits Cranberry

Cranberry Has More Than Flavor

Mention of cranberry sauce immediately turns our thoughts to Christmas. Yet, many people do not even know what a cranberry looks like.

The cranberry is a small fruit that grows on vines. In biological terms, the cranberry is a cousin to the bilberry and the blueberry. Temperate climates suit their development. Thus, temperate regions of the world are rich in cranberries. It is widely available in USA and the Mediterranean. Modern farming techniques have enabled people to grow the fruit in seemingly impossible climates as well.

We consume the fruit in different ways. Cranberry can be eaten raw or as the famous cranberry sauce. It can also be drunk as cranberry juice. The benefits of cranberry are available regardless of how it is consumed. The important thing is to retain its antioxidant elements, for these remove bacteria present in areas like the bladder.

Cranberry makes it difficult for bacteria to remain within the bladder because it removes the film that they cling to when infecting the area. Some say that the product reduces the strength of plaque-causing bacteria.

Even more critical is its ability to reduce the growth of certain cancerous cells. Although this conclusion is yet to be confirmed, some studies have hinted at this. People with heart disease or kidney stones might be able to prevent their condition or reduce its impact through the structured use of cranberries.

Ultimately, the effectiveness of cranberry depends on how your body reacts to it.

:: Soybeans Benefits

Soybeans Benefits

Soybean is a legume indigenous to East Asian countries, mainly China, Japan and Korea. Popularly used for the production of oil and soy milk, soybean plants are now cultivated across several countries in east and south Asia, as well as in the United States.

Introduced during the years of Great Depression in the United States, soybean cultivation was widely encouraged as a food product. It was also extensively used in the automobile industry.

Benefits of Soybean

  • Soybean is a rich source of protein. This makes it an ideal substitute for meat products and is highly preferred in vegetarian diets.

  • Rich in calcium and magnesium, the soybean is very beneficial for children; it promotes proper development and overall heath.

  • This legume is digested easily, and hence, is highly recommended by dieticians for weight watchers.

  • Many scientific studies have linked regular consumption of soybean to the lowering of cholesterol. It is thus highly beneficial for people with heart disease.
Some people are allergic to soybean. Therefore, it is recommended that you consult a physician before including the legume in your daily diet.

Soybean is one of the most highly cultivated crops in the world. Apart from being used for direct consumption as food, the legume is used in many processed products like milk, soy oil, soy meals and tofu. It is also used to make margarine, salad dressing and mayonnaise. Soy oil is commonly used in cooking. Soy meals are mainly obtained after removing the fatty content from the protein-rich legume beans. This is mainly used to produce animal food products for pets, fish and farm animals.

Soybean milk is widely used in vegan and vegetarian diets especially in China, Japan and Korea. Tofu is obtained by curdling of soybean and is a popular ingredient in many East Asian dishes.

The benefits of soybeans extends beyond food products. Researchers today are trying to derive fuel from soybean. This bio-diesel is being considered an option for renewable sources of energy. Soy oil is also used as a lubricant in automobiles, in place of diesel. Environmentalists prefer it over petroleum-based lubricants.

:: Grape Seed Extract Benefit

The Value of Grape Seed Extract

In analyzing the benefits of grape seed extract, one must note its overall contribution to the diets of the American population. Grape seed extract has long been considered one of the most effective natural healers on the market. It does not have serious side effects that might detract from its intrinsic value.

The nutritional supplements derived from grape seed extract are universally popular. They have influenced the debate on the proper place for various foods.

Among other things, grape seed extract contains a powerful antioxidant that is among the best in terms of effectiveness and speed of operation. Because it occurs naturally, it can be used over and over again without the fear of chemical contamination. It rivals the functions of other foods that contain some proportion of Vitamin E and Vitamin C. Degenerative diseases rely on the presence of free radicals to provide an environment wherein they can prosper. Foods that are high in antioxidants prevent this process from taking root, promoting overall health in the long term.

Grape seed extract fights cardiovascular diseases. It also fights stroke and related illnesses that affect the elderly. No wonder grape seed extract is so popular among health-conscious people nowadays.

The extract is readily available in health stores and is within the reach of most middle-income families.

:: Benefits of Noni Juice

Benefits of Noni Juice

The noni fruit is commonly found in places like Hawaii and the Pacific Islands.

Despite the good reviews, there is controversy regarding the health benefits of noni juice. Researchers in France report that noni juice can cause severe liver damage. Meanwhile, researchers in the United States call it the "miracle juice". Hundreds of websites promote noni juice as the best thing since pomegranate juice.

Noni juice is an antioxidant that helps fight bacteria and purifies the blood. Despite doubts about its overall health benefits, noni juice can fight cholesterol and various heart conditions.

Noni juice is commonly found in Polynesia and in various tropical locations. Try some noni juice if you can get a hold of it. You may like it. You may find it at your local supermarket if you are lucky. However, chances are that you will have to search for it in a specialty fruit store.

:: Cauliflower Benefits

We all know that eating sufficient quantities of fruit and vegetables each day can reduce the risk of disease, improve overall health, and rid the body of harmful substances. But what specific health benefits does the humble cauliflower offer?

The cauliflower is a flowering vegetable that is often eaten with other vegetables like carrots and broccoli. It provides phytochemicals that the body needs to stay healthy.

Cauliflower is a member of the "white" family of fruits and vegetables. This group includes other natural foods like bananas, mushrooms, onions and garlic. Cauliflower contains allicin (which can improve heart health and reduce the risk of strokes) and selenium (which works with Vitamin C to strengthen the immune system). Cauliflower also helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

Cauliflower contains folate, a B vitamin that is needed for cell growth and replication. For this reason, pregnant women and women who are trying to conceive can benefit from eating cauliflower. The vegetable aids development in the unborn child.

Cauliflower is an excellent source of fiber, which helps improve colon health and can even prevent cancer. Recent studies show that cauliflower -- along with other cruciferous vegetables like brussels sprouts and cabbage -- contain indole-3-carbinol, a substance that affects estrogen metabolism in the body, and prevents breast cancer and other cancers that primarily strike women.

:: Benefits of Fruit

What We Know About the Health Benefits of Fruit

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away," goes the old saying. Our great-grandmothers were aware of the benefits of fruit long before medical science joined the bandwagon. The health benefits of fruit are many. They are more than just a rich source of vitamins.


Most fruits function as natural laxatives, helping regulate the body's digestive processes. They provide roughage and fiber that is important in helping the body eliminate waste.

Protection From Illness

Fruit contains important vitamins that your body needs to stay healthy. Oranges and other citrus fruits, strawberries and many other fruits contain vitamins C, A and E. These vitamins are important antioxidants. They protect your body from the damage caused by free radicals.

Newly Discovered Phytonutrients Add to the Benefits of Fruit

The bright colors of many fruits are another reason why fruits are so beneficial. The pigments that make blueberries blue and cranberries red are called phytonutrients. Phytonutrients are extremely powerful antioxidants that protect your body against cancer-causing free radicals. They may also slow down some of the effects of aging.

The Brain

Studies have shown that a diet high in fruit can help prevent many of the symptoms of diseases like Alzheimer's and other deteriorating conditions of the brain.

The benefits of fruit are so well-accepted that the USDA recommends at least five servings of fruit in your daily diet.

:: Black Olives Benefits

Black Olives Benefits-- What Every Health Enthusiast Must Know

Black olives are generally regarded as garnish or an addition to salads, but there is more to these salty fruits than meets the eye.

If you want to maintain a healthy lifestyle, eat sufficient fruits and vegetables, avoid high cholesterol foods and incorporate exercise into your daily life. But did you know that black olives can keep you healthy, too? Yes, black olives offer many health benefits. Here are some of the well-known ones.

It Contains Healthy Fats

By healthy fats we mean monounsaturated fatty acids, the ones that nuts contain in abundance. These fats lower bad cholesterol and offer protection from heart ailments. Black olives contain these fats along with healthy fatty acids called polyunsaturated fatty acids. Both of these aid weight control.

It Contains Antioxidants

Black olives are enriched with Vitamin E, which is considered a very strong antioxidant. It helps fight harmful free radicals that are known to damage cells and trigger cancer. One cup of olives will provide 25 percent of your daily Vitamin E requirements.

Additionally, black olives contain polyphenols that reduce the incidence of heart disease, and protect the body from cancer-producing cells.

It Aids in Proper Digestion

Black olives stimulate hydrochloric acid. Hydrochloric acid helps the body to break down foods so that the digestive system can effectively absorb required vitamins and nutrients. This fruit also contains high amounts of fiber, which help eliminate body waste and toxins. The fiber also helps flush out unhealthy fats derived from other foods.

Black olives provide the body with required nutrients while offering protection from some diseases. Some people dislike eating black olives. But the black olive's array of health benefits could make them change their minds.

:: Benefit of Lemon

Benefits of Lemon

This fruit has been known for its therapeutic properties over generations. It is commonly used in home remedies, and is especially effective in treating stomach problems because of its cleansing effect.

Lemon can strengthen your immune system. If you have flu or a cold, try drinking lemon juice. It will relieve the symptoms as well as halt the progress of most infections. Why? Because of its antibacterial and antiviral properties.

Benefits of Lemon

  • Lemon acts as a blood purifier and improves the body's ability to get rid of toxins.

  • Lemon is excellent in fighting infections.

  • Lemon also gets rid of insects like mosquitoes and flies. It is Mother Nature's version of the insecticide.

  • Some people love antiseptics and apply them on even the smallest cuts. The good news is that you can use lemon on cuts too. Lemon is nature's antiseptic. It is said that lemon can be applied on cuts to stop bleeding as well. This is because of lemon's styptics property.

  • Lemon juice is useful for people with heart problems. This is because of its high potassium content.

Uses of Lemon

  • Drink fresh lemon juice to cleanse your system.

  • Use pure lemon juice on wasp and bee stings to relieve pain.

  • Lemon juice mixed with olive oil may help dissolve gallstones.

  • Regular intake of fresh lemons may be useful in treating kidney stones.

:: Benefits of Soy Milk

he Five Significant Health Benefits of Soymilk

Soymilk is a milk-like liquid that is produced when soybean fibers are ground and mixed with water.

One popular and significant health benefit of soymilk is that it is a milk substitute. Soymilk is cholesterol-free and has a lower amount of saturated fat compared to cow's milk. People who need to watch their cholesterol level can gain from consuming soymilk.

It is also a good milk substitute -- especially if fortified with calcium -- for people who are either lactose-intolerant or on a vegetarian diet.

Soymilk is a good source of vitamins B1, B2, B6, and E, and minerals like magnesium and calcium. It is beneficial for just about anybody wanting to follow a healthy lifestyle.

Another significant health benefit of soymilk is derived from isoflavones. These cancer-fighting chemicals found in soymilk help prevent various cancers. Studies conducted in Japan and Britain show that the consumption of soy foods or soymilk prevent hormone-related cancers such as prostrate and breast cancer.

Soymilk also helps prevent osteoporosis, a disease where the patient's bones become porous and brittle. The human body is constantly breaking down and rebuilding bones. Soymilk isoflavones protect bones by hampering the body's ability to break bones and enhancing its ability to rebuild them.

Consider drinking soymilk plain or flavored, and obtain all the health benefits in a glass.

:: Grapefruit Benefits Health

Grapefruit Benefits Health

Grapefruits are available in many varieties. They get their name from their appearance, which resembles a cluster of grapes.

Depending on the variety, seed colors could be pink or white. Both varieties aid in weight loss while preventing kidney stones, colon cancer and digestive problems. The fruit also encourages healthier skin and prevents colds, pneumonia, fever and gallstones. It also acts as an antiseptic on wounds.

Why Grapefruits?

The fruit is one of the biggest boons of nature. It is a great source of nutrition. In fact, it is one of the highest nutrition providers in terms of the required levels of vitamin and mineral content. The fruit contains more Vitamin C than any other citrus fruit. The other nutrients in grapefruit include potassium, Vitamin B5, folate, Vitamin A and fiber.

How to Eat Grapefruit

Experts believe fresh grapefruit is one of the healthiest foods available. Fresh grapefruit is easily available in most markets. The fruit tastes best if you wash it in cold water after cutting it open.

The best way to eat grapefruit is to scoop out the flesh from the skin using a spoon or scooper. Any other way of eating it diminishes the flavor and nutritional value of the fruit. Eat immediately after scooping out the flesh. It is best not to expose it to air for too long. Grapefruit is extensively used in salads, orange juice and various culinary preparations involving exotic seafood, salads and more.

Preventing Arthritis

The health benefits of grapefruit include resolving joint pain caused by the accumulation of inorganic calcium in the body. The fruit helps dissolve the calcium that causes symptoms of arthritis. The disorder is often seen in people who eat high amounts of white flour over the years.

:: Benefits Bilberry

The Amazing Benefits of the Bilberry

Also known as whortleberries or European blueberries, bilberries are the fruit of shrubs that grow in acidic and nutrient-poor soils in temperate and sub-arctic regions. They are mostly found in Great Britain and in some European and Asian countries, and are a close relative of huckleberries and blueberries.

Bilberries are similar in appearance to blueberries but are smaller and darker. Unlike blueberries, which come in clusters, bilberries are single or paired berries with a fuller taste. Bilberries also contain fruit pulp that is either red or purple. This can heavily stain the lips and fingers when eaten raw.

The bilberry can be eaten raw or made into jams, juice or pie. In Italy and France, they often serve as a flavor base for many liqueurs and sorbets. They are also used in making crepes, tarts and other baked goods. Besides their culinary uses, bilberries also have medicinal value.

Note that excessive drinking of bilberry juice can be dangerous because bilberries can potentially reduce platelet activity. Excessive consumption can cause diarrhea, skin rashes and drowsiness. Also avoid high doses of bilberry leaves as they can be poisonous. However, the bilberry fruit can provide several amazing benefits if consumed in moderation.

Benefits of Bilberries

  • Bilberries contain tannins -- polyphenols that help treat gastritis, diarrhea, gastroenteritis, esophagitis and other bowel disorders.

  • Bilberries are believed to improve vision. During World War II, some British pilots reportedly ate bilberries before setting out on night flights to enhance their night vision.

  • Some studies suggest that bilberries improve blood circulation and strengthen the artery walls. This is why people with high blood pressure or heart disease, as well as those who are at risk of developing heart disease can benefit from eating moderate quantities of bilberries.

  • Like other berries, bilberries also have high antioxidant content. This helps eliminate free radicals that cause cancer and other illnesses.

:: Benefits of Eating Celery

Benefits of Celery

Hippocrates, the father of medicine, claimed that celery calms the nerves. This may be due to its high calcium content. Celery is also good for the kidneys and helps eliminate waste through urine.

The seeds, leaves and edible root of the plant can all be used. Celery is used in aromatherapy and other traditional healing methods like Ayurveda. In Japan, rheumatic patients are sometimes placed on a celery-only diet.

Benefits of Celery

  • Celery consumption reduces high blood pressure and makes you feel calm.

  • Celery clears uric acid from painful joints and may help treat arthritis and rheumatic problems.

  • Celery is good for the kidneys.

  • It also acts as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.

  • Another benefit of celery is that you can eat a lot of it without it affecting your waistline. Celery has almost zero calories.

Uses of Celery

  • Grated or raw celery can be used on swollen glands.

  • Eat raw celery to reduce high blood pressure.

  • Drink celery juice before meals if you are trying to lose weight. It helps suppress the appetite.


  • The tastiest celery is the one with light green ribs and a glossy surface.

  • Keep celery away from the coldest sections of your fridge since it freezes easily. You would not want to eat frozen celery, right?

:: Benefits of Oats

Benefits of Oats

Oats are cereal plants that offer several benefits. Consuming oats soothes the nerves. They are also one of the best sources of inositol, which is important for maintaining blood cholesterol levels. Oats are high in calcium, potassium and magnesium, together with B complex -- all of which are vital for a healthy nervous system.

Benefits of Oats

  • Regular consumption of oats lowers blood cholesterol levels.

  • Eat oats if you are feeling sad. It is a natural antidepressant and often used to treat depression, anxiety and nervous disorder. Oats will make you feel calmer.

  • Unrefined oatmeal can be eaten on a regular basis to reduce stress. Cooked oats relieve fatigue.

  • The high fiber content of oats protects us from bowel cancer.

Uses of Oats

  • A bowl of oat porridge with a spoonful of honey is a calming breakfast for students on exam morning.

  • If you suffer from constipation, try eating raw oats.

  • Oatmeal baths (a form of water therapy) help in healing eczema and other skin conditions.

  • Make it your choice of cereal if you want to reduce cholesterol levels. Eat it daily.

:: Benefits of Apples

Benefits of Apples

There is an old saying that goes, "To eat an apple going to bed, will make the doctor beg his bread." The saying is justified by the apple's many health-promoting properties. Fossil remains show that apples were gathered and stored 5,000 years ago. It is likely that they were already cultivated during the Neolithic times. Interestingly, apples are members of the rose family.

Apples are excellent detoxifiers. Apple juice can destroy viruses in the body. In one recent study, Riu Hai Liu of Cornell University found that although apples contain only a small amount of Vitamin C, eating 100 g of apple provides the same antioxidant activity as taking 1,500 mg of the vitamin.

Apples are great snacks. Only make sure not to ingest too many apple seeds; these are toxic if taken in large amounts.

Benefits of Apples

  • Apples clean the teeth and strengthen the gums.

  • Apples reduce cholesterol levels.

  • They detoxify the body and have antiviral properties.

  • Apples prevent constipation because they aid digestion.

  • One large apple supplies almost 30 percent of the minimum amount of fiber that should be consumed daily.

Uses of Apples

  • Eating apples regularly aids healing in patients of gout and rheumatism.

  • Eating two apples a day will reduce your cholesterol levels up to 10 percent.

  • Drinking apple juice thrice a day is said to prevent viruses from settling in the body.

  • Apples are good for digestion. If you suffer from indigestion, eat apples before meals.

  • Grated apple mixed with yogurt is helpful in cases of diarrhea.


  • Never buy apples that have not been kept cold since they can become over-ripe in a few days.

  • Apples should be hard. If you can dent an apple with your finger, do not buy it.

  • Keep your apples refrigerated. Otherwise, they will decay fast.

  • To prevent browning, rub the cut surfaces with a mixture of lemon juice and water.

  • Canadian researchers analyzing eight popular varieties found that the old standby, Red Delicious, and an apple called Northern Spy contain more disease-fighting antioxidants in their skin and flesh than any others that were studied. This means red apples are better than other kinds.

:: Rose Oil Benefits

Rose oil or rose otto oil is essential oil derived from cabbage and damask roses through the process of steam distillation. It has a yellow or yellowish-green color and is purer, more potent and longer lasting than another type of rose oil -- rose absolute. Unlike rose otto oil, rose absolute is derived through the process of solvent extraction.

Roses used for producing rose oil are cultivated in special rose farms. Many such farms are located in Bulgaria, Morocco, Turkey, India, China, France and Egypt. The climate in these countries is more conducive for the growth of rose plants.

In order to make the oil, the roses are usually plucked during early dawn and processed the same day. Steam distillation is done in copper sills filled with water and rose petals. After heating for between 60 and 90 minutes, the process yields concentrated rose oil and rose water. The rose oil is separated from the rose water. The rose water is distilled again to extract phenyl ethyl alcohol, which is then mixed with the rose oil to form rose otto oil.

Rose oil has relaxing and aromatic characteristics, and is known to help in a variety of medical conditions. It has several therapeutic uses. Here are some of them.

Benefits of Rose Oil

  • Rose oil is a natural anti-depressant. Rose oil is used in aromatherapy to boost self-esteem, enhance mental strength and increase confidence. It can also help relieve anxiety and cure panic disorders. It is widely used to invoke positive thoughts, happiness and hope.

  • Rose oil has anti-inflammatory properties. It can help reduce fevers as well as relieve pain and inflammation caused by conditions like gout and arthritis.

  • It can also act as an antiseptic for wounds. Applying rose oil on wounds and injuries encourages faster healing and prevents infections.

  • Rose oil also has anti-spasmodic properties. It can efficiently relieve various kinds of spasms, including those of the respiratory system. It also helps treat convulsions, cramps, muscle pulls and even spasmodic cholera.

:: Benefits of Wheat Germ

Benefits of Wheat Germ

Wheat germ is the heart of the wheat kernel and a highly recommended health food. It is packed with proteins, fiber, polyunsaturated fat, vitamins and minerals. Wheat has always been perceived as one of the top three food sources next to grain and rice. But wheat germ offers additional health benefits.

It can lower cholesterol, fight colon cancer, prevent constipation and improve digestion. It also protects from heart disease and helps prevent strokes. However, wheat germ contains gluten, a sticky protein that holds bread together. Stay away from wheat germ if you are allergic to gluten.

Wheat germ is a great source of protein and is great for overall health. You can cook with it, bake with it, dilute it in water and drink it or sprinkle it over toast, cereals or sandwiches. Wheat germ is available in any health food or vitamin store. A little bit everyday can set you on the road to better health.

The Health Benefits of Pineapple

The Health Benefits of Pineapple

Many people love pineapple. They say that a juicy, ripe pineapple can satisfy sweet cravings as effectively as a chocolate bar. The fruit also offers many health benefits.

Loaded With Vitamins and Minerals

Pineapples are rich in vitamins and minerals including calcium, potassium, fiber and Vitamin C. The fruit is also low in fat and cholesterol.

You can enjoy the health benefits of pineapple by consuming the fresh fruit, or eating the canned or frozen versions. Pineapple juice is just as healthy.

Strengthens Bones

Pineapple helps build healthy bones. This is because pineapples are rich in manganese, a trace mineral that is required to strengthen bones and connective tissues.

One cup of pineapple provides 73 percent of the daily recommended intake of manganese. Pineapple consumption can boost the growth and development of bones in young people and strengthen bones among the elderly.

Good for Colds and Coughs

While many people take Vitamin C supplements or drink orange juice during a cold, few consider eating pineapple. The fruit provides the same benefits as orange juice in treating a cold or cough, but with an additional benefit. Bromelain, a substance found in pineapples, helps suppress coughs and loosen mucus.

Using Castor Oil Packs to Improve Health

The benefits of castor oil are becoming all too apparent with increasing awareness regarding the pros and cons of different foods.

There are many instances where people like Edgar Cayce used clairvoyant readings to exaggerate castor oil packs benefits. Nevertheless, castor oil is believed to help treat certain skin conditions.

Castor oil packs can serve as an aid to detoxification. Castor oil packs benefits include the ability to eliminate impurities from the system. The packs are known to reduce the incidence of arthritis.

Castor oil packs are easy to create and use. A piece of wool flannel is soaked in some castor oil. It is then warmed and placed on affected parts of the body. A heating pad can be placed on top. It takes about an hour and a half for the medicine to take full effect. Excess oil can be removed with a paste of baking soda. The process is so simple that there is really no excuse for failing to enjoy maximum castor oil packs benefits. Such packs are known to treat sprained ankles and relieve back pain. They can also be a milder and effective alternative to powerful sedatives.

To enjoy the gamut of castor oil packs benefits, use just before bedtime. Regular and consistent use can be very beneficial.

Benefits of Oranges

Benefits of Oranges

It is well-known that oranges are good for health because they contain Vitamin C. Oranges offer many other health benefits as well.

Oranges are not only a good source of Vitamin C but also of other vitamins called citrus limonoids. These limonoids help fight cancers of the mouth, skin, lung, breast, stomach and colon in animals. Researchers are looking for ways to use these findings to help humans.

Oranges are a great source of iron and they help keep cholesterol levels low. They are also rich in calcium, and hence, are good for the bones.

Thanks to their Vitamin C content, oranges can fight bacteria as well as prevent colds and the flu. Vitamin C is very helpful in fighting airborne germs during the winter months. You can eat an orange or take orange tablets to raise your Vitamin C levels.

Health Benefits of Cherries

Are cherries healthy? Cherries are high in antioxidants, help reduce the risk of cancer, inflammatory problems, and heart disease. They are low in fat, calories, and have a high water content. Cherries are a great addition to meals; they complement almost any sweet or savory dish.
The beginning of cherry season is always exciting. Cherries are most well known for the American favorite- cherry pie, but they’re also great added to a bowl of yogurt in the morning, made into a rich sauce to accompany duck breast, and canned during the winter season. But did you know that cherries pack a lot of nutritional punch?
The benefits of eating cherries are numerous. Cherries are considered to be high in disease fighting antioxidants, studies have shown that a diet high in cherries have helped to reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, and inflammatory problems such as arthritis. Cherries also contain melatonin, which helps slow the aging process and helps regulate sleep patterns.
There are many vitamins in Cherries such as Vitamin C and Cherries contain many other nutrients such as Cherries also contain high levels of nutrients such potassium, and beta-carotene. A diet that includes cherries has been proven to help decrease body fat, cholesterol, and inflammation. Since these are all risks in heart disease, cherries are vital part of the diet.
How many calories are in a cherry? There are only 4 calories in one cherry and one cup of cherries is only 74 calories. Cherries are low in fat, and have a high-water content. Research has shown that increasing water consumption will boost energy levels and increase metabolism. Besides their high nutrition value, cherries are extremely diet friendly.
Nutrients found in Cherries
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin A
  • Bioflavonoids
  • Ellagic acid
  • Perillyl
  • Anthocyanins
  • Melatonin
Health Benefits of Cherries
  • Help fight cancer
  • Aid in prevention of heart disease
  • Relieve Pain of Arthritis, Gout, Headaches
  • Ease the symptoms associated with Fibromyalgia Syndrome
  • Provide a healthy and safe way to produce melatonin
Cherries have a magnificent taste, sweet or sour. Their taste stands alone but they are also great in desserts or even dried for an afternoon snack.
A great way to enjoy cherries is to incorporate them into homemade granola bars. Granola bars are great to have on hand and by adding cherries you are upping your daily antioxidants with every bite.
On The Go Granola Bars
2 cups rolled oats
1/4 cup wheat germ
1/4 cup ground linseeds
2 teaspoons cinnamon
2 cups of flour
200g frozen cherries, chopped
2 cups mixed chopped nuts (pecans, pistachios, or pumpkin seeds would taste great!)
1/8 teaspoon of salt
1/3 cup of honey
1/2 cup olive oil
2 teaspoons vanilla extract, or seeds of one vanilla bean
2 eggs
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees and line a 9x13” rectangular baking tray with baking paper. Mix all of the ingredients together in a large bowl and pour into the baking tray. Use the back of a wooden spoon to press the mixture down into the dry until condensed. Bake for about 20 minutes or until lightly golden brown.
Let cool for 20 minutes and then cut into squares.

Health benefits of Mango

Zeenews Bureau

The king of fruits, Mango not only tastes good that but also offer a number of health benefits for your body. Mangoes offer important vitamins and minerals for our body, preventing that way many dangerous diseases and keeping our body healthy and fit. The fruit is also rich in vitamin E and it is believed that therefore this fruit is an aphrodisiac.

Mango, which is one of the most popular fruit in India, is also a nutritionally rich fruit with unique flavor, fragrance, taste, and heath promoting qualities which are:

Anti cancerogenic and prevents breast, colon and prostate cancer: Antioxidant compounds present in mango fruit have been found to protect against colon, breast, leukemia and prostate cancers.

Lowers Cholesterol: Mango is rich in pre-biotic dietary fiber. The high levels of fiber, pectin and vitamin C help to lower serum cholesterol levels, specifically Low-Density Lipoprotein (the bad cholesterol).
Acts as a skin cleanser: Busting the myth, that eating mangoes can cause pimples and acne, the fruit acts as a skin cleanser. It cleans clogged pores and eliminate pimples by using both internally and externally for the skin

Keeps eyes healthy: Mango fruit is an excellent source of Vitamin A and flavonoids like beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, and beta-cryptoxanthin. Vitamin A promotes good eyesight and prevents night blindness and dry eyes. Vitamin A is also required for maintaining healthy mucus membranes and skin.

Prevents Diabetes: Mango is high in natural sugar, since it contains 31 grams of sugar in one fruit, but at the same time it is low in glycemic load, which means it doesn’t affect blood sugar

Improves Sex: Mangos are a great source of vitamin E, which helps to regulate the sex hormones and boost libido.

Improves Digestion: Mangoes contain enzymes for breaking down protein. The fiber in mangos also helps digestion and elimination of acids.

Prevents Heat Stroke: Mango also controls homocystiene levels in the blood, which may otherwise be harmful to blood vessels resulting in CAD and stroke. The king of fruits is a very rich source of potassium, which is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure.

Boosts Immune system: It is also a very good source of vitamin-B6 (pyridoxine), vitamin-C and vitamin-E. Vitamin C helps body develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenge harmful oxygen free radicals.

Health Benefits of Kiwi Fruit

Kiwi fruits are rich in many Vitamins, flavonoids and minerals. In particular, they contain a high amount of Vitamin C (more than oranges), as much potassium as bananas and a good amount of beta-carotene.
Studies in Italy, though, performed on 6-7 year old children, have also demonstrated additional health benefits to the respiratory tract. In particular, children that were fed 5-7 portions a week of citrus and kiwifruits had 44% less probability wheezing compared to children eating less than once a week.
Shortness of breath was reduced by 32%,night time cough by 27%, severe wheeze by 41%, chronic cough by 25%, and runny nose by 28%. This results is not only traceable to the content in Vitamin C or Potassium, but in substances which are still largely unknown contained in kiwi fruit.
These substances are most likely flavonoids that help protect our cells from oxidative damage, and are therefore considered very helpful in protecting our DNA from mutations and damage.

Protection from Age-Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD)

A series of studies published by the Archives of Ophthalmology have proven that consuming 3 or more servings of fruit per day (including kiwi fruits) can reduce by 36% the risk of developing an eye-related disease called ARMD (the primary cause of vision impairment in adults), if compared to people who only consume 1.5 servings of fruit per day.
The study was conducted on 110.000 women and men and lasted several decades. Surprisingly, the study found that while vegetables were not correlated with an improved resistance to the disease, fruits containing high amount of Vitamin C,A and E (the most common antioxidant vitamins) helped significantly in protecting against ARMD.

Anti Oxidant properties of Kiwi Fruit

It is important to note that kiwi fruits contain a remarkable amount of Vitamin C, E and A. Vitamin C is a water-soluble antioxidant that has been proven to protect our body from free radicals, dramatically improving the health of individuals who consumed it regularly against all kinds of disease, from cardiovascular problems to cancer and obesity.
Vitamin E has been proven to have similar effects, but is fat-soluble and thus is complimentary to Vitamin C in its functions. Kiwi fruits contain both these vitamins in high amount, which help protect our body against free radicals from all fronts.

Kiwi fruits have a high fiber content

The high content in dietary fiber helps improving diseases such as diabetes, by controlling sugar levels, and colon cancer, since fiber binds to toxic compounds in the colon and helps us expel them.
Fiber has also been proven to reduce cholesterol levels, improving the conditions of patients with cardiovascular diseases and lowering the probability of heart attacks.

Summary of Kiwifruit Health Benefits

Eating kiwi fruit is clearly a healthy choice, and it is particularly useful in these cases:
  • Prevents Asthma
  • Prevents wheezing and coughing, especially in children
  • Protects our DNA from mutations
  • Provides a healthy amount of antioxidants and vitamins
  • Helps prevent colon cancer thanks to a high fiber content

How to Help Reduce High Liver Enzymes Organically

The liver tirelessly carries out more than 500 functions in your body, including filtering the blood, cleansing the body of toxins, producing cholesterol and balancing blood cholesterol levels, synthesizing vitamin D and removing damaged red blood cells. When the liver becomes overworked or damaged, it can leak liver enzymes into the bloodstream. These elevated liver enzymes may be detected in a blood test. In most cases, these levels are mild and do not indicate serious liver damage or disease. Drinking fresh, organic juice in addition to maintaining a balanced diet that limits processed and packaged foods may help to improve your liver function and overall health. However, this is not medically confirmed and a juice detox shuold not be done without the approval of your doctor.
How to Help Reduce High Liver Enzymes Organically

Juicing for Liver Detox

Among the most essential organs for overall bodily health, the liver is a high priority for proponents of detoxification diets. According to the web resource Medicine Net, the liver is the largest solid organ in the body and is responsible for a multitude of important functions from waste elimination and bile production to the creation of proteins and metabolic compounds. Due to its wide variety of jobs, the liver is often susceptible to disease and toxicity, resulting in symptoms such as allergies, hypoglycemia, constipation, high cholesterol, anxiety, light sensitivity and fatigue.
With a steady regimen of grapefruit and lemon juice, and an overall reduction of liver-stressing diet items such as coffee, spicy foods and alcohol, you too can begin to see improvements in your liver health.

How to Use Natural Juices on the Juicing Detox Diet

he juices obtained from the freshest raw fruits and vegetables---particularly those produced
 using organic methods---are extremely nutrient rich. If you have sufficient mental dedication and have received positive confirmation of good health from a doctor or another qualified health specialist following a medical assessment, a juice fast to detoxify your body might be right for you. A strict juice detox diet can provide profound detoxification within only a few days and is simple to conduct.
 How to Use Natural Juices on the Juicing Detox Diet

How to Not Starve on a Juice Fast

How to Not Starve on a Juice Fast
Photo Credit Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images
During a traditional juice fast, you consume nothing but fresh-squeezed juice and water several times a day to release toxins and promote weight loss. Some variations of the fast could include small amounts of whole fruits and vegetables. You get all of your calories and nutrients from the juice and, while your stomach may feel empty, you should not experience extreme hunger, according to Sandra Cabot, author of "The Juice Fasting Bible." If you do find yourself starving, make some adjustments to your fast. Consult your physician before starting a juice

How to Juice Kale, Spinach & Cucumber

Kale and spinach are both rich in iron, and vitamins A and C. Cucumbers are rich in vitamins C and A. You can buy juice blends that contain these vegetables, but by making your own juice, you ensure that you get the freshest product with the most nutritional value. The best way to juice kale, spinach and cucumber is with a juicer -- a device designed to extract the liquid from fruits and vegetables and remove the solid matter. You can find juicers in the appliance section of brick-and-mortar department stores, or through online retailers.
Step 1

Assemble the juicer per the manufacturer's instructions.

The Benefits of Cucumber Juice

Cucumber juice comes from cucumber, an edible vegetable. Cucumber belongs to the melon family, which includes the watermelon, squash and zucchini. Other than drinking its juice, cucumber can be combined with various dishes, eaten with a salad and used as skin agents. Drinking cucumber juice can provide you with several health benefits.

Vitamin A

Drinking cucumber juice can provide you with a good quantity of vitamin A. According to the United States Department of Agriculture - National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, cucumber juice that comes from raw cucumber either peeled or unpeeled contains 86 to 109 IU of vitamin A per serving. Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin and antioxidant that plays an important role in helping you with your eyesight, bone growth, reproduction and cell division. Vitamin A that comes from plant sources are called provitamin A carotenoid, while those that come from animal sources are called preformed vitamin A. Sufficient amounts of vitamin A can also help promote healthy and intact surface lining in the eyes, respiratory tract, urinary tract and gastrointestinal tract.

Good Source of Dietary Fiber

Taking cucumber juice increases your level of dietary fiber intake. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports cucumber juice as a good source of dietary fiber. Taking adequate levels of dietary fiber helps you with digestion and weight control. Consuming a high-fiber diet can also help prevent constipation, colon diseases and hemorrhoids. Other important health benefits of dietary fiber include normal bowel movements, healthy blood cholesterol levels and controlled blood sugar levels.


Drinking cucumber juice can result in the development of strong and healthy bones and teeth. According to the USDA -- National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, a serving of raw and peeled cucumber contains 17 milligrams of calcium, while raw cucumber with peel contains 48 milligrams. Calcium plays an important role in your body. It helps muscles and blood vessels to contract and expand. It can also help stimulate the endocrine system to produce hormones.


Consuming large amounts of cucumber juice can help you with blood volume and blood pressure regulation. The USDA states that one serving of raw peeled cucumber contains 2 milligrams of sodium, while raw unpeeled cucumber has 6 milligrams. Sodium helps the body with maintaining normal blood pressure and blood volume levels. Your nerves and muscles also need sodium to function properly. Too much sodium can potentially lead to fluid buildup and high blood pressure.